I am a PhD student in the MAX team at École Polytechnique under Joris van der Hoeven and Fredrik Johansson.

My research interests concern straight line programs, mainly focused on extreme performance of multiple-precision arithmetic. In particular, specialized code for different hardware is a big interest of mine.

Consequently, I am interested in mathematical software. I am a co-maintainer of FLINT, and have contributed some to other projects, mainly to the OSCAR project.

I very much enjoy typesetting in LaTeX and all the programming that comes along with it. My preferred font is Fourier.

Contact: albin.ahlback@gmail.com

Upcoming events


  1. PLMP – Point-Line Minimal Problems for Projective SfM
    With Kim Kiehn and Kathlén Kohn. Submitted, 2025. [arXiv]

  2. Fast basecases for arbitrary-size multiplication
    With Fredrik Johansson. To appear, ARITH 2025. [HAL]

  3. Eichler integrals and generalized second order Eisenstein series
    With Tobias Magnusson and Martin Raum. [arXiv]

Mathematical software

  1. FLINT
    I am a co-maintainer of the high-performant C library FLINT for polynomial arithmetic, exact linear algebra, rigorous ball arithmetic, special functions, …, used in a lot of mathematical software such as Sage, OSCAR, msolve and Macaulay2.

  2. ModularForms.jl
    A Julia-package for computing modular forms, developed with Tobias Magnusson and Martin Raum. Relies on the Julia packages AbstractAlgebra.jl, Nemo.jl and Hecke.jl.


  1. Fast basecases for arbitrary-size multiplication, March 2025, at Journées nationales de calcul formel, CIRM, Luminy. [Slides]
  2. Fast basecases for arbitrary-size multiplication, March 2025, at Caramba group seminar, LORIA, Nancy. [Slides]
  3. Fast basecases for arbitrary-size multiplication, January 2025, at MAX computer algebra seminar joint with FLINT workshop, LIX, École Polytechnique. [Slides]
  4. Assembly for medium precision arithmetic, June 2024, at INRIA Floating Point Workshop, Bordeaux. [Slides]
  5. On rigorous numerical computations for pure mathematics, 2022, at Things I Should Have Known.

Professional activities


At Chalmers, I have taught several courses as a teaching assistant. Here is a list of the subjects I have taught, most of which also includes computational parts:

Software proficiencies